Wilcox continues to grow our drone aerial mapping services and we are pleased to share some examples of our work.
The below link is a high-resolution orthomosaic aerial map of a 145-acre area comprised of 460 overlapping images collected by a drone from 350 ft. above ground level. The ground sampling distance of the aerial map is 2 in./pixel.
Original Orthomosaic Aerial Map
The next link below is an aerial site plan processed from the above original aerial map, including the map scale, site information and topographic contour lines.
Please feel free to download the above aerial maps for best viewing. The last link below is a 3D model of the 145-acre area processed from the original aerial map.
Please contact Jim Nance at jnance@wilcoxenv.com to inquire about Wilcox’s drone aerial mapping and building/structure inspections.