Our first official race season in Speedway is behind us. It has been an exciting and entertaining experience, to say the least! Between our ribbon cutting, our open house, and all the hoopla on Main Street during race week; we’re not sure we can wait another year to do this all over. Luckily, there are so many great things happening on Main Street in Speedway throughout the summer, we’re never short on entertainment.
Here are our favorite things about our FIRST Month of May in Speedway!
“Hearing the Indy cars on the track while working… nostalgic is a good word to describe it.” – Leanne Brooks, Human Resources
“Underlying sense of excitement surrounding our open house and the big race.” – John Love, Consulting Services Director
“All the fantastic restaurants and shops opening up on Main Street and the surrounding area!” – Holly Cooper, Marketing Manager

“I’m blown away by the immediate acceptance of the local community. Everyone we run into seems grateful that we are here and part of the revitalization of Main Street and Speedway!” – Mel Wilcox, Office Manager/Owner
“Street signs named after drivers, the Wilcox building (and others) sporting the 500 logo, the checkered flag flying from car windows and from nearly every front porch, welcome race fans signs everywhere, lemonade shake-ups.” – Jeremy Kinman, Senior PM/Geologist

“Listening to the cars go around the track while working is pretty cool.” – Jennifer Doyle, Health & Safety Director
“The month of May is the best, it’s like Christmas for Hoosiers. With all the different activities going on around the city, the Tom Petty (40th anniversary) concert, Carb Day, and the 500 highlighted my month!” – Dave Hughes, Senior CAD & Environmental Specialist/IT Coordinator

“Hearing the cars practice every day, attending Town of Speedway events, connecting with neighbors, and showing off our new office has made for a very memorable experience that I’m proud to be a part of.” – Megan Martz, Senior PM/Geologist
“We have had a number of visitors over the last few months and I’ve had the pleasure of giving quite a few tours to some of our guests. What seems to be a common theme in the comments that I’ve heard is how lucky we are to have such a great new digs and such a great location to work. I’m not usually short on words, but typically just responded with something like, “Yeah, it really is pretty cool.” In retrospect, I wish I would have said, “Welcome to the greatest spectacle in consulting!”” – Scott Connors, Senior PM/Geologist

“Watching Blackhawk helicopters swooping into the track to hearing daily practice runs from my desk, there is nothing like working in Speedway, Indiana during the month of May!” – Kyle Amberger, Project Geologist