IDEM Evaluating Revisions to Excess Liability Trust Fund

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) recently solicited public comment on possible revisions to the rule governing the Excess Liability Trust Fund (ELTF). The ELTF program plays a crucial role in minimizing Indiana environmental impacts by providing funding for the investigation and remediation of petroleum releases from underground storage tanks (USTs). Effective management of this program by IDEM, and compliance by responsible parties and consultants, is necessary to ensure environmental cleanups are performed in a timely manner. The current rule making effort has identified goals that include “…creating a more efficient, current, and equitable process for the administration of the ELTF, and addressing long-standing issues with the rule language and requirements.” Further information regarding the announcement can be found in LSA document #15-231, which is located here:

Wilcox’s internal ELTF team is actively evaluating the potential rule changes, and is developing comments and recommendations to IDEM to improve the program’s ability to perform efficiently and expediently in supporting petroleum environmental cleanup activities. Comment submittal to IDEM is due by August 28, 2015. Additional announcements will follow as the rule revision process progresses.

Wilcox has been successfully providing science-driven solutions for petroleum contamination for over 20 years, a large portion of which has been funded through the ELTF program. Wilcox currently manages approximately 50 ELTF projects, and annually recovers over $2.5 million in ELTF-related project costs. Our effectiveness at recovering investigation and cleanup costs through the ELFT program results in most projects requiring no additional funding sources and little or no out-of-pocket expenses for our clients.

If you need assistance with potential petroleum UST related environmental impacts, please contact Wilcox today – call (877) 683-8378 or email Our team of ELTF experts and experienced scientists at our offices in Indianapolis, Evansville, and Ft. Wayne are ready to help you find a solution.